Our Services
Humphrey Mechanical offers a wide range of complete Mechanical, HVAC and Plumbing installation services for large industrial, military and institutional facilities including hospitals, hotels, aircraft hangars, barracks, office buildings, warehouses, and etc. HMI specializes in various projects and services including:
- New Construction, renovation, and design-build installations
- LEED Certified Installations
- Utilities – Underground water piping, forced main sanitary systems / lift stations, storm drainage
- Mechanical piping for a variety of services – Lube, gas, compressed air, medical gasses, steam & condensate, HVAC chilled and condenser water, domestic hot and cold water, sanitary sewer / DWV, institutional piping utilizing Cast Iron, Duriron, Stainless Steel, Carbon Steel, HDPE/SDR, Copper, PVC, CPVC, PVDF, … etc.
- Complete Plumbing installations including potable, sanitary and stormwater plumbing systems
- Rain Harvesting Systems
- Solar Heating Systems
- HVAC Systems in various varieties and types – VRF systems, Chilled & Hot Water systems, DX systems
- In-house BIM Modeling and coordination of various mechanical, HVAC and plumbing systems
- Certified and trained S.S.O, C.Q.C., Technicians, A.W.S. Welders, Medical Gases installers
- In-house Project Management and coordination services
- Licensed N.C. H-1,2,3 and P-1 State Licenses

Office Location
2421 N Marine Blvd
Jacksonville, NC 28546
Open Hours
Monday - Friday
08:00 am - 5:00 pm
Contact us
Office: (910) 455-1418
Fax: (910) 455-2215